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The Wall People Page 15

  “Take your time, dear. I’ll be waiting.” His eyes were full of anticipation and excitement.

  Katie tried her best to concentrate on the task at hand. She needed to stall him for as long as possible so she could come up with a plan of escape. Her mind was foggy from the whiskey. She fought the urge to lie down and sleep. She couldn’t lose consciousness. It was difficult to regain her composure. She finally managed to pull the ivory dress from the box. The beauty of it took her breath away despite the circumstances. A flood of memories filled her mind and heart as she handled the gown. She was able to finally pull it over her head. For one terrifying moment, she could not breathe as the heavy satin covered her face. She struggled to pull it down further over her head finally pulling the material down around her petite figure.

  Her hands would not obey as she reached behind her back to tie up the laces. There was no way she could cinch it up in the back. The realization hit her that James was the only one that could help her in this moment. The thought filled her with dread and fear. Surely, he realized this when he gave her the dress. Clutching the front with her left hand to keep her modesty, she called out to him, “James, I’m afraid I can’t tie up the back of the gown.”

  “Oh my dear, this sounds like a job for your husband I imagine,” he chuckled quietly to himself.

  He entered the vanity. She made sure not to make eye contact. Slowly, he walked up behind her. She could see his reflection in the vanity mirror. His eyes were full of desire as he gazed at her bare back. She held tightly to the front of her bodice fearing what he might do next. His breath was hot against the back of her neck. To her surprise, he gently drew the back of her gown and slowly cinched it up. She could feel the tips of his fingers grazing across her shoulders. They were unusually hot and smoldering. He took his time and seemed to be enjoying her vulnerability. When he finally was finished, he carefully turned her around to face him.

  “Do not be afraid, my love. I will not hurt you, as long as you are a good and obedient wife.” His face grew serious as he looked into her eyes.

  “Of course, James.” She slowly regained her composure and tried her best to appease him.

  He led her out to the main hall.

  “I’m afraid that under these circumstances, we can’t have a priest do the honors,” he laughed darkly.

  His voice was grave as he spoke the word priest. The sound gave her chills.

  “I thought we could make do and simply say our own vows. After all, this is a new age, is it not? No sense in sticking to old customs,” he added.

  Katie’s mind raced as she began plotting escape. The logs in the fireplace crackled as an idea began to form.

  “James, I don’t want to be a bother, but I am a bit cold. Would you mind stoking the fire before we lose the flames?”

  “Is my lady cold? Of course, let me take care of that at once.”

  In his eagerness to appease her, he turned his back and set to turn the logs. For one brief moment, she was filled with a sense of pity for the man. There was an element of kindness resonating from his soul. Yet, it seemed burdened with a dark and powerful force. She wondered briefly when and where he had finally succumbed to its power. As he concentrated on the task at hand, Katie spun into action. Acting on primal instinct, she reached above the fireplace and grabbled one of the pewter candleholders on the mantel. Taking the large object in both hands, she slammed it hard against the back of his head. He fell to the floor in a motionless heap in front of the fire. She turned and ran. Her dress dragged on the cold, stone floors of the ballroom. The fabric made a strange scratching sound as it trailed the ground. She made it to the set of large antique doors. For one horrifying moment, they appeared to be locked. She pulled and pushed until they finally opened.

  The enormous brass door groaned loudly on its hinges as she barely squeezed through it. The door slammed shut behind her. The physical activities made her head spin as the whiskey played havoc with her senses. The sound of her bare feet pattered softly across the cold floors. Ancient paintings of the castle’s previous owners lined the dark hallway. The eyes of the portraits’ subjects seemed to follow her as she made her way down the seemingly endless corridor. The candlelight cast eerie shadows over the walls. And where was her beloved Daniel during all of this? Did he have any idea where she was? If she could just manage to find her way outside the castle, she might somehow come up with a plan of rescue. She ran as fast as she could through the dark, meandering passages. Cold air painfully filled her lungs as she made her way through the ancient building. Hidden deep within the darkness and candlelight, she began to feel like an apparition, lost with the antiquity and history of the old ruin. Howling winds and rains raged outside the castle walls. The deep alcoves of stained glass took the brunt of the storm’s punishment. The heavy windows shook and withstood the abuse in spite of its intensity and power. Underneath the untamed sounds of nature were raw, primitive whispers that begged to be released. The faint sounds echoed inside the decrepit walls.

  The castle had its share of ghosts and spirits, each of which was determined to have their voices heard. A loud explosion of thunder erupted overhead. This was followed by a lightening strike, which lit up the night sky.

  The long corridor seemed to lead to a familiar place. Fragmented memories from her childhood filled her mind. She could see herself as a young girl, sitting on a fancy, velvet chair, holding a small doll within her tiny hands. The child waited for her father to return from helping the owners with their renovation project. An occasional worker would smile and nod at her as they went about their business. A large parlor was located in the West Wing. Once inside, one had to merely walk down a short hallway, which led to the front doors of the castle. The memory faded and she realized with complete certainty that this was her one chance at escaping. A glimmer of hope began to surface in her heart. The passageway should lead her to the main entryway. She came to a stop at the end of the corridor.

  With eager anticipation, she pushed against the heavy brass doors and made her way into the dimly lit space. A large fireplace roared with bright flames. The warmth was a welcoming sensation. With tentative steps, she made her way inside, where it soon became apparent this was not the parlor of her childhood. To her dismay, she found herself inside a large bedroom. Realizing this, she stopped.

  A faint whisper began to emanate.

  “Katie, where are you?” She realized it was the voice of Daniel.

  Her heart began to beat in anticipation. The sound seemed to be coming from the far wall of the bedroom. The wind and rain continued raging outside the castle’s walls. She called out loudly, trying desperately to make her voice heard in the roaring storm.

  “Daniel, I’m inside Dunguaire Castle. I’m trying to find my way to the West Wing, but I’m lost.”

  In spite of her fear, she found herself walking toward the fireplace to warm her body. Her eyes adjusted to the dark, candlelit room and wandered over the lavish décor. Crystal vases containing brilliant pink roses filled the space. A large canopy bed was placed across from the fireplace. Hundreds of rose petals covered the velvet bedspread. Candles were set throughout the room giving it an air of romance. Her heart began to race, as a tightening sensation filled her throat. Her eyes slowly lifted, taking in an enormous wall painting above the fireplace mantel. To her dismay, she recognized the portrait’s subject all too well.

  The oil painting depicted Katie in her wedding dress, staring out into space, completely lost in the void. Her eyes were hollow and resonated shock and apathy. Her fair skin was ghostly white, sickly, and translucent. Blood red lips appeared cold and unnatural. She knew at once that this was to be her future with James if she stayed.

  Strange music began surfacing at the top of the mantel. She realized that it was coming from a familiar tin box. The handle turned on its own in a slow and methodic rhythm. In spite of what was happening around her, she seemed locked into place unable to move. A shrill voice began to sing in a high pitch melody

  My mother taught me how to sew,

  And how to thread the needle,

  Every time my finger slips,

  Pop! goes the weasel.

  You may try to sew and sew,

  And never make something regal,

  So roll it up and let it go,

  Pop! goes the weasel.

  The music sped up, ascending in volume until it threatened to destroy her mind.

  I went a’hunting in the woods,

  It wasn’t very legal.

  The dog and I were caught with the goods,

  Pop! goes the weasel.

  I said I didn’t hunt or sport,

  The warden looked at my beagle,

  He said to tell it to the court,

  Pop! goes the weasel.

  The box opened on the last verse as a gust of cold wind blew back her hair. A dark, obscured image of an elderly woman emerged and hovered above. Where her eyes should have been were dark, empty sockets. The apparition began to moan and scream. It’s keening filled the room with its agonizing wail. The Banshee’s distorted mouth stretched unbelievably wide. Katie covered her ears in an attempt to escape the maddening cries. Her mind felt as if it would split from the anguished howls. Everything in her being told her to run, to get out of the room, and yet her body would not obey. Without warning, the ghostly phantom disappeared back into the box. Sadly, this relief was short-lived.


  No one has greater love than this, to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.

  - John, 15:13, Saint Joseph Edition of The New American Bible

  Heavy footsteps echoed in the dark hallway. Her body could not break its paralysis. In a cold daze, she was only partially aware of the rough hands grabbing at the back of her shoulders, turning her around. James stood in front of her with blood rushing down his face from the wound she had inflicted.

  “So, you found our bridal suite. After all that I have done for you. You repay me with yet another betrayal. You little whore! Mark my words. You will not betray me again!”

  A blind rage washed over his pallid face as he spoke. “You are going to learn a lesson tonight that you will never forget.”

  His dark eyes turned scarlet red as his skin pulsed and rippled. He grabbed her by the wrists and shoved her to the ground in front of the fireplace. His pale body distorted and began to elongate. His legs lengthened grotesquely before him. The tailored trousers split open. Dark, wiry hair sprouted like putrid moss on his pulsing legs. His flesh bubbled underneath the tattered remnants of cloth. The translucent skin split and tore across his skull and face. Clots of bloody, blond hair fell to the ground in a meaty pile. He stood over her menacingly in the firelight.

  “Let me go!” Katie moaned.

  James replied in a dark, demonic voice, “I will never let you go. Katie, from this night forward, you belong to me. There will be no more delays. No more distractions. Your games have come to an end. Let our wedding night commence,” he laughed insanely.

  He pushed her down onto the cold, stone floor. His death-like stench awoke her from her paralysis. She screamed and scratched at his face with renewed strength and determination. As she made contact with his flesh, there was a sickening sensation of skin peeling off under her fingernails. Underneath was an oozing, dark mass of pulsing muscle. She struggled wildly as her nightmare became a reality.

  As her body slowly began to lose strength, and her spirit begged for mercy from this undeniably gruesome fate, the room suddenly exploded with a burst of magnificent light and sound. At first, she believed the noise to be that of the lightening and thunder sounding outside the castle windows. Her eye s stared in shock and happiness as Daniel stood above the demon. His beautiful ebony wings filled the room with a dazzling spectrum of white light. In his right hand was a large silver sword that glowed brilliantly in the darkness.

  “Let go of her, demon!” he called in a powerful voice.

  The creature released Katie and quickly stood. The two faced one other silently. After a moment, James began to speak.

  “Oh, this is quite the reunion isn’t it?” he spat in a thick, demonic voice.

  His body towered over Katie in a threatening fashion. A grin emerged on his misshapen face. Razor sharp teeth clashed with a nauseous grinding sound as he spoke.

  “So you came back for another round. Wasn’t once enough for you? I’m losing my patience, angel. You’ve interrupted our wedding night,” he growled ominously.

  “In the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Go back to the Hell you came from!” Daniel commanded.

  James hissed menacingly as he spoke, “Have you forgotten where you are? You have no power here,” he laughed cruelly.

  Katie began to realize that something was very wrong. Daniel’s face was shadowed with sorrow.

  “You are too late,” James laughed looking around the bedroom. “This is our special love nest. Isn’t it romantic?” he hissed. “She can never leave and there is no going back now. The rules have changed, angel. The game is over.” His grin widened into a menacing sneer.

  Daniel studied James for a moment. In an instant, he was in the air with his powerful wings outstretched. He lowered the sword down onto the demon’s pulsing neck. The creature moved away moments before being struck. He rose into the air facing Daniel.

  “Can’t you do better than that?” he mocked.

  It stretched its claws toward his chest.

  “I want to see that big heart of yours.”

  He lunged forward. The sharp talons grazed the front of Daniel’s shirt ripping the cloth and tearing brutally across his skin. Crimson streaks began spreading outward on his chest. Daniel flew backwards in pain. The demon followed. The two opponents levitated toward the high ceiling. Katie watched in horror as they took turns striking blows at one another. Eventually their movements appeared like a blurry mist as they battled with supernatural speed. Daniel swung his sword once again making contact with the demon’s neck. A stream of black gore flowed from the wound like thick syrup and bubbled down his throat. The demon clutched his neck and grimaced. A cloud of smoke steamed from the cut. As the nauseating fumes permeated the room, he fell backward lowering his hands. In an instant, the deadly injury healed itself and the wound quickly sealed over.

  “You can’t really hurt me, Daniel,” he laughed.

  The creature lunged forward until their faces were inches apart. James grinned at him mockingly. Daniel switched his sword to his left hand and punched him squarely in the face. The demon let out an angry howl, lost his balance, and fell down toward the floor. He landed next to Katie on the cold stones. Without warning, he lunged toward her, grabbing her arm; he pulled her tightly against his hot body. She winced and tried to pull away. Her eyes burned and watered from the terrible aroma of sulfur and rotting flesh. His long claws pressed against her throat.

  “Let her go!” Daniel demanded.

  “Would you like to watch her bleed?” His claws tightened around her throat.

  Small beads of blood rose to the surface of her skin. Searing pain burned into her flesh. Katie screamed as he pierced her delicate skin. Daniel, alarmed, demanded, “Let her go!”

  “Put down your sword, angel. I will kill her in front of you if you do not.”

  Anger washed over Daniels face. He dropped his sword to the floor. The sharp clanging sound of polished steel reverberated throughout the castle.

  “That’s better. You see, Katie, even Daniel can learn to obey. It’s not that difficult now is it?”

  “Please James, let him leave. I will stay. Please don’t hurt him.”

  She could feel his hot flesh moving and pulsing against her body.

  “Isn’t that nice. You need to shut your mouth or I will permanently close it!” He traced one razor sharp claw in front of her lips. “Do you understand me?” Katie nodded.

  Holding her tightly in his left arm, the demonic creature reached down and took up the sword in his right hand.

sp; “Well isn’t that a big one?” he said, between bursts of laugher. “Get down on your knees and face the fire. Be a good lad and obey me.”

  Slowly and carefully Daniel lowered to the floor. He gazed out at the fire with his chin set and face determined. Tears streamed down Katie’s face. Her body began shaking violently and she feared for his life.

  “Please, James,” she whispered, “I will do anything you want. Please let him go. I’m begging you.”

  “Oh yes, darling, you will do what I say. It’s not a question.” As he spoke, his voice changed back and forth from human to a thick, demonic tone.

  With one sharp motion, he brought the sword down on Daniel’s back and shoulders. The razor sharp blade tore into his right wing. Daniel screamed in agony as the sword cut through his flesh.

  “No!!!!” Katie screamed. “God have mercy!!! Daniel!!!!!”

  He writhed on the floor, clenching in a fetal position from the intense pain. The demon roared with laughter at his work. In his glee, he loosened his grip on Katie. She took the opportunity to brake away. She rushed to Daniel’s side and fell next to him. Gently, she lifted his head into her lap. A dark pool of blood began forming around him as the scarlet wound gushed out on the cold stone.

  “Daniel, no, please, no. Stay with me!” She wept loudly as tears poured down over his handsome face.

  Daniel stared up into her eyes and looked at her sadly.

  “I am so sorry, my love.” His jaw clenched painfully in a tight grimace.

  Katie could feel the life force drifting away from him. The sharp sound of the demon’s hooves dragged across the floor as he drew closer.

  “Stand back, Katie. I need to even up my work on the other side,” he smiled cruelly.

  “Leave him alone!”

  “Stand there if you like, my love, it’s all the same to me,” he laughed.

  The demon towered over them. He raised the sword high in the air. The gleaming steel shone brightly in the reflection of the candlelight. Daniel slowly and painfully pushed himself onto his elbow and turned to face the creature. With one fluid motion, he reached into his vest pocket and retrieved the pewter Crucifix. His eyes glowed with renewed determination as he held the beloved cross.