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The Wall People Page 5

  Camellia seemed to withdraw inward for a moment and slowly worked her way out.

  “This went on. One evening, after a particularly short session of lovemaking, I made a remark about how quick he had been. The comment was intended to make him laugh. Instead, he just stared at me. I’ll never forget the look in his eyes. They were no longer human. He slapped me hard across my face. My nose began to bleed all over his satin sheets. I was in complete shock. It was as if it were happening to someone else. He stormed out of the room, and left me sobbing on the bed.

  “I had always told myself that I would never allow anyone to lay their hands on me. For days after the incident, I refused to take his calls or return his messages. At the end of the school week, I returned to my dorm room to discover an enormous flower arrangement sitting in front of my door. There was a small card attached. It read:

  “Camellia, Please forgive me. I love you more than life itself. I will spend the rest of my days making up for hurting you. Please call me. Love, Taylor.”

  “I wish that I could say that I never spoke to him again. The flowers should have been tossed in the trash along with his pathetic card. But I loved him. I know how it sounds. It’s so hard to say these things aloud. I eventually broke down and called him. He begged me not to leave him. It would never happen again. He told me that he had simply lost control. His football buddies had talked him into taking some steroids. They were all doing it. It had been a huge mistake. There were many promises that it would never happen again. The steroids, he insisted, had been flushed down the toilet. It was convincing argument and it gave me hope. He had only lost control because of drugs. He just wasn’t himself.

  “Once the steroids were no longer an issue, we could go back to our life together. I desperately wanted to believe him. A few more weeks passed without incident. We had fun and he was back to his old, romantic self. Everything seemed like it would work out. I tried to put the past behind us. As our days began to settle down into a comfortable routine, we made plans for a New Year Eve’s party. Some of my classmates had invited us. The night of the party, I noticed he was acting very strange. He was loud and animated trying desperately to be the life of the party. Some of his football buddies showed up later in the evening. At some point, he wandered off with them. It was almost midnight. I waited impatiently for him to return. The countdown to New Years started with my fellow students cheering and singing.

  “Everyone was anticipating the ball dropping in Times Square. We were all trying to watch it on the television. One of my good friends, Gary, from my statistics class, put his arm around my shoulders and gave me a quick kiss on the cheek as the clock struck twelve. He soon joined the group of students singing Ald Lang Syne. Their inebriated voices rang out loudly to the music. I tried to make my way out of the room with all of the celebratory students blocking my way. I eventually found my way out and discovered Taylor standing alone in the corner of the kitchen. He was pouring himself a large gin and tonic. He seemed subdued, withdrawn. We eventually left the party together and headed back to his apartment.

  “Once inside, I asked him if everything was all right. At first he wouldn’t answer me. I insisted, and he became enraged and accused me of flirting with my classmates at the party. Taylor suddenly stood up from his bed and shoved me backwards. I ended up tripping over this duffle bag. My ankle twisted as I landed on the floor in shock and pain.”

  “I know you’ve been sleeping around.”

  “What are you talking about?” I cried.

  “You’re more trouble than you’re worth. I don’t know why I ever put up with your bullshit! There are so many prettier and smarter girls that I can be with. You’re completely worthless.”

  “He looked at me with disgust. His words were like daggers. They pierced my heart and soul. My body trembled with shock and confusion as he continued to scream and call me names. I will never forget the terrible things he said to me that night. The attack was much more brutal that the time before. He started slapping and hitting me all over my body. His face was a mask of rage. A piece of me died that night.

  “I tried to leave him that night and the night after, but he always found a way to pull me back in. Days turned to weeks and the abuse became regular. At some point, his apologies stopped altogether and I feared for my life. I’d become trapped in a bizarre cycle of love and hate.

  “The abuse lasted a couple more months. Then he was gone. A major NFL team had picked him up. Once in a while, I’ll catch his name while my husband and his buddies are watching football. Well, anyway, Taylor had no idea that I was a couple of months pregnant, with his child, when he left us. I decided to drop out of the university before the end of the school year. There was a part of me that worried that he would come back to find me. I moved to a neighboring town and met Steven a few months later. He was working on a contractor’s assignment in my apartment complex. I was exhausted from working two jobs and barely making ends meet. Steven reminded me of a big teddy bear. It didn’t seem to bother him that I was carrying another man’s baby. I expected him to wake up one day and realize that he had made a terrible mistake. But he never did. All he wanted to do was love and take care of us. His gentle and caring nature soothed my soul. I finally found peace that I was truly loved and respected.

  “I could tell that his parents were not thrilled about me in the beginning. Steven didn’t seem to care. They didn’t really warm up until I delivered my second child. We were married two weeks before Lizzie was born. A simple courthouse ceremony, my belly was huge, I couldn’t even see my shoes. But, I wouldn’t change a single moment. Steven’s an amazing man, and I thank God every day for sending him to me.”

  Camellia slowly stopped speaking as her voice began to choke up. The two women’s eyes locked. A door quietly opened between them. Katie gently took Camellia’s hand and praised her for surviving the abuse. She smiled back with relief. Katie’s own fears and regrets about her failed marriage eventually poured out in a flood of words. She couldn’t get them out fast enough. There were so many things she’d kept bottled up over the past few years. Camellia’s eyes understood when Katie spoke of Jake’s verbal and physical abuse. The new friends talked for hours. They bonded over the pains of the past and rejoiced in the hopes of new beginnings. After the two women exhausted themselves in conversation, they quietly smiled at one another. Camellia reached over and gave Katie a fierce hug.

  It was close to lunchtime when they headed back to Camellia’s kitchen. Their emotional talk had worked them both into a ravenous state of hunger. Enchilada ingredients were quickly organized on a colorful marble counter top. Katie shyly admitted how challenged she was in the kitchen, and the fact that she was a vegetarian. This did not phase Camellia in the least. A variety of cheeses, vegetarian beans, fresh vegetables, and pressed corn tortillas were set together.

  Katie was amazed and responded, “Are you prepared for anything or what?”

  “I got the impression you were a vegetarian when we first met. I thought you were going to faint when I said that your goose would make a nice Thanksgiving dinner,” she laughed. “Don’t worry about being inexperienced in the kitchen. You’ll be just fine.”

  Soon the aroma of melting cheese and enchilada sauce filled the room. Camellia reached down under the counter and pulled out a large blender. Margarita mixes and tequila were placed alongside it.

  “We’re making margaritas too?” Katie asked excitedly.

  “It’s my hubby’s day to pick up the kids from school. Bennie is on a play date with my friend’s son. Steven is planning to take them out to ice cream afterwards. The ladies are going to blow off some steam this afternoon!”

  They both giggled like teenagers as they salted their glasses and blended their drinks.


  Brunch turned into lunch. Staying longer than she had intended, Katie headed back to her cabin in the late afternoon. The excitement from the day’s adventure with Camellia had exhausted her more than she’d realize
d. Her appetite had been happily satisfied by the enchiladas and margaritas. It was a combination that worked magic for her mind and body. She could definitely get used to her friend’s home cooking. Some longer workouts would have to be added to her running schedule to keep up with the extra calories. Perhaps she would even get a taste for cooking herself. Stranger things had happened. The thought brought a smile to her face. It was exciting to connect so quickly and intimately with her neighbor. It seemed strange but it was as if they had been friends forever. Feeling calm, she decided to end her day earlier than usual.

  Darkness descended on the woods and another day came to an end. The sunset reflected a kaleidoscope of vibrant colors through her bedroom window. She hurried through her nightly routine quicker than usual that evening. The tequila was beginning to make her sleepy. She slipped into a pair of baby blue pajamas; turned up the thermostat in her hallway, and headed over to the kitchen cabinets. A warm cup of almond milk and hot chocolate was ready in a few minutes. Several frogs were beginning their nightly chorus outside the window. The natural harmonies eased her mind and body. She climbed into her warm bed and read a few chapters of Les Misérables. Her hot chocolate was rich and creamy. Soon she was falling asleep to the sounds of nature’s orchestra.

  Sometime later that night, an enormous wave of sound and light exploded in her cabin. Her eyes were met with radiant color prisms emanating from the ceiling above her bed. In a state of panic, she attempted to sit up and was greeted by another burst of light and sound. Her bedroom shook with the momentous force of the blast.

  Radiant beams danced in front of her eyes. She finally managed to climb out of bed. She braced her hand on the bedpost. The noise was deafening.

  It soon became evident that she wasn’t alone. A tall figure stood by the entrance to her bedroom. An engraved pocket watch hung on a small chain attached to his vest pocket. The silver timepiece reflected the soft moonbeams that whispered through her bedroom curtains. She tentatively approached the figure. The mysterious visitor’s features became more defined with every step. A bright spectrum of light emanated from his dark silhouette. He eyed her patiently as she moved in closer, gazing at his form. His piercing eyes stirred something in her. They were a dazzling mixture of sapphire blue and emerald. They seemed to belong to the sea. Their stunning color was celestial. She was losing herself in his gaze.

  Slowly she found her voice.

  “Who are you?” she asked breathlessly.

  His mouth turned up slightly at the corners as she questioned him. A radiant and mischievous smile moved over his face. He was handsome, and Katie began to lose her nerve. The shock loosened its hold on her trembling body. As she started to regain her bearings and move backwards, he reached forward, setting his strong hands on her delicate shoulders. His touch brought an intense sensation unlike anything she had experienced before. Powerful arms clasped at the small of her back. At the same time, glossy, black-feathered wings emerged from behind his shoulders, permeating the room. Prisms of light radiated from their tips. What followed was deafening. She feared that her cabin would collapse from the intensity of the blast. The aroma of redwood and honeysuckle filled her bedroom. The intimacy of his embrace left her breathless and wanting more, despite her fear and confusion. Light and sound pulsed so that she was forced to close her eyes. The stranger pulled Katie’s small frame tightly against his muscular form.

  Even in her shock and confusion, she had time to notice how their bodies complimented one another. Again, their eyes locked. Suddenly the room fragmented, imploded, and was no more.


  She found herself sitting in the middle of a vast field of flowers surrounded by dense forests. Cherry trees glowing with the most vivid crimson colors dotted the landscape. The sound of rushing water emanated from the background. A collection of wildflowers and scarlet tulips covered the field. Their rich hues were unusually vibrant. A heavy mist drifted across the outer edges of the meadow. A roaring thunder exploded in the distance. The sound was layered with echoes of hoof beats. From the blanket of dense fog, a vast herd of animals materialized. A large number of zebras made their way across the prairie. Their black and white patterned coats glistened in the foggy background. A stallion was leading the group of mares and foals. Steam rolled from his flared nostrils as he whinnied and charged forward. The procession obediently followed their leader as he increased his stride.

  Logic told Katie to get up and run away as the animals approached, but her body refused. The animals closed the distance with frightening speed. The wind whipped and roared with the drumming of hoof beats. The musky aroma of the wild beasts filled the air. Their pace gradually slowed as they approached the row of cherry trees tucked inside the meadow. They finally came to a complete stop with their stallion leading the way. The zebras raised their heads and sniffed at their new surroundings. Their eyes were fixed on Katie. After a moment, the proud stallion stomped the ground with his front hooves and whinnied a loud call that echoed through the valley. Several mares dropped their heads in unison and began to graze the lush, wild grasses. The leader slowly sauntered over to the flowing stream in the meadow. His muscles twitched and moved with each stride he took. A thick layer of sweat clung to his coat. He made his way over to Katie and stood gazing inquisitively over her.

  She looked up at the magnificent animal and became lost in the moment. The stallion leaned down until his head was just inches away. Disregarding common sense, Katie reached out her hand to touch his face. It was coarse, hot, and strangely familiar. His blue eyes glowed in the soft, morning light. The handsome animal snorted and steam emanated from his flared nostrils.

  The zebra turned his body sharply and retreated into the meadow. His mares and young offspring followed behind him in an orderly procession. The sound slowly faded as the herd vanished into the foggy plains. The experience left her feeling as if the past, present, and future had somehow collided. She was abruptly brought back to reality as the sound of approaching footsteps echoed behind her. Strong hands suddenly rested on her slender shoulders, gently turning her around.

  She found herself face to face with her unusual companion. He softly turned her chin upward until their eyes locked. Time dissolved. Their lips brushed against one another. The sensation was like liquid fire, engulfing her in an absolute passion and sublime ecstasy. Gently taking her hands, he guided her to the ground. In a moment, she found herself sitting on his lap. Her small frame was the perfect compliment to his tall and powerful stature. It was so easy to become lost in his unearthly presence. For once, she did not fight her desire. Instead, she relished it and wanted more. He carefully traced his fingers against her throat. His sensual lips followed the curve of her neck. She felt the coarseness of his jaw and inhaled his scent. It was as if the forest, wind, and rain radiated from his pores. She would have given herself entirely to him.

  She had been taught from an early age that Catholic girls did not indulge in such reckless, wanton behavior. For a moment, she wondered if angels counted in this moral dilemma. Again, her anxious mind had gotten in the way of a perfect moment. The celestial being studied her with an intensity that made her head swim. Amusement suddenly registered on his face. To her embarrassment, she was almost certain that he had read her thoughts. Color rose to her cheeks. He slowly reached his hand down and brushed one of her auburn curls from her forehead. The impish grin reappeared.

  “You need to go back, my dear. You’ll need your strength and rest for all I have planned for you.”

  His thick Irish accent gave her chills. He winked and stepped back. Katie looked up in confusion, wondering what she had almost let happen. He inhaled deeply as his glorious wings stretched, and unfolded. The rich aroma of redwoods filled her senses. Darkness followed and they were gone.


  Sunlight fell through the curtains of her bedroom. Waking up gently to the harmonies of the songbirds, she rose slowly from her comfortable bed and made her way to the bathroom. Passing t
he vanity mirror, she was alarmed at her reflection. Katie stepped back and gazed at the startling rosy cheeks and glowing porcelain skin looking back at her. Worry lines appeared softer and less obvious. Vivid green highlights radiated beautifully in her bright eyes.

  What was this? The mountain air could not have been responsible for such a sudden change in appearance. She was afraid to trust her own reflection. It was as if a peace had washed over her. A wave of conflicting emotions weighed on her mind from the night before. She desperately needed to make sense of it. She quickly dressed, grabbing an old worn out pair of sweats and a pink t-shirt. Her hair was tied in a ponytail with a terry cloth band. Strangely, her curls seemed thicker this morning. She only had to wrap the band once. Turning forty had robbed her of so many vanities, including the volume of her once generous locks. She took out her favorite pair of Mizuno running shoes from the bedroom closet.

  Katie hurried into the kitchen to grab a cup of coffee. Her new Keurig machine whirled into action creating a perfectly steamy mug. Her instant coffee days were a thing of the past. After a few sips, she grabbed an energy bar and was out the door. She inhaled the crisp mountain air and was invigorated. The breeze brought goose bumps to her arms and chest. That would pass quickly as her run progressed. The cold air moved through her lungs. Painful at first, running was always a mixture of pain and pleasure. It was the perfect metaphor for life.

  The morning drowsiness slowly lifted. Every breath heightened her senses and brought her back to herself. She made her way up a moderate hill. It led to an open running path surrounded by beautiful woods and meadows. Katie had happily discovered the worn-out trail earlier in the week. Having your own backyard running area was unheard of in the city. This was just one more perk of country living. As she made her way past the lake, she spotted the old gander by the reeds. He lifted his head and eagerly waddled in her direction. His enthusiasm and excitement brought a smile to her face. It was funny to realize that the one constant male presence in her life was a goose. Oh well, beggars can’t be choosers, she thought. Then again, was he the only significant man in her life? What exactly had happened last night?