The Wall People Read online

Page 10

  He laughed as he pulled her against his body. She pushed him back.

  “Get away from me,” she screamed.

  James laughed cruelly, forcefully pushing her to the ground. The smell of whiskey was foul on his hot breath. She gazed up at his face in panic as his body weight held her in place.

  His eyes narrowed. He grinned down at her terrified face. She realized his intentions and fought with all her strength to get away. In his stupor, he relented, and she was able to free her right hand from his clumsy grip. He continued to gaze at her with pure evil glowing in his mud-colored eyes. Time seemed to stand still. Everything was happening in slow motion. With her free hand, she reached up and clawed at his face. Her nails dug deeply in his skin. He shrieked in pain. The unexpected assault gave her just enough time to free herself and take off running.

  Her heart pounded and the sound roared in her ears as she ran. Her dress was heavy, and made her feel like she was running through molasses. She rushed past gravestones, ceramic angels, and Celtic crosses.

  Her first thought was to make her way to the church to get help. A shot rang out as a bullet whizzed by her temple. It missed her by inches. She looked over her shoulder and could see James sprawled out on the ground aiming his pistol at her, all the while smiling like a lunatic.

  “Sweet Jesus, he’s trying to shoot me,” she whispered to herself.

  She quickly turned and ran in the opposite direction from Saint Brigids, fearing that if he followed her into church he might endanger her friends and family. She imagined that he would be interested in injuring Daniel. Her shoes were slowing her down in the sandy soil. In his drunkenness, James had not yet made it back on his feet. He appeared to be reloading the pistol. She used her considerable lead to stop for a moment and tear off her shoes. Her bare feet would be an advantage for her.

  The intoxicated man continued to follow her as he tripped over gravestones, stumbling through the cemetery. If she could just find the path that led to the main road, it would lead her back to the market area of the village. There, she could find the sheriff’s office and get help. The ground became harder, with each step was increasingly painful to maneuver. She followed the gravel path and was soon blocked off by a large cobblestone wall. A clearing could be seen several yards away. As she raced toward it, her foot caught under a large root and she violently fell forward, sliding down toward the base of the hill. Her head struck a sharp rock. Streams of blood trickled down the side of her face, soiling her satin bodice. The crimson drops spread as they hit the delicate fabric, creating a chrism diamond pattern on her beautiful wedding dress. The impact made her stagger and lose balance. In her confusion, she turned left instead of right, heading down an unfamiliar trail.


  Shortly before Katie had become lost in the woods, her screams had attracted the attention of several members of the wedding party waiting in the little church of Saint Brigid. Daniel followed where he heard the commotion and noticed Katie’s buggy parked next to her mother’s grave. Alarmed and puzzled, he looked up to see James running through the cemetery in pursuit of his bride. Daniel quickly followed after him. Anger welled up in his chest with every stride. He quickly closed the gap between them while greatly fearing for his fiancé’s safety. Reaching the drunken man without even being winded, James stopped in his tracks to face him. He was smiling ear-to-ear while grasping for breath. “Well, if it isn’t the lucky groom. I was just giving your little Katie, a warm up before her special night.”

  Daniel glared at him with mounting shock and fury. “You sick son of a bitch! What have you done with her?”

  “Well, my handsome friend, the real question you should be asking is, what am I going to do with you?”

  Daniel stared at him not understanding his veiled threat. James brought out his pistol from his holster, aimed it and fired.

  The slug tore through his sternum and ribcage, splintering bone and destroying flesh. The impact was immediate and deadly. Daniel fell backwards on the ground. The pain was agonizing but couldn’t compare to the realization that he could not save his beloved. His blood poured over his shattered pocket watch. The hands marked five thirty. His time had run out as the crimson sky hovered above as a dark omen. His last thoughts were of his precious Katie and the dreams of their life together. A single tear trailed down his cheek and disappeared into the sand.


  Katie was unaware of what had occurred and continued her relentless race through the brambles. Thorns and branches tore at her delicate skin. She tried to ignore the pain and find her way back to town. Despite the circumstances, she was beginning to think she might be successful. The trail was starting to look somewhat familiar. The light dimmed, as the sun set over the horizon. Darkening skies continued to glow an eerie red as if the heavens were on fire. She wondered what the guests at the wedding were thinking about her failing to show up. The thought pained her deeply. She imagined all of the preparations taking place at the castle for the reception to follow. The sounds of footsteps echoed behind her. She realized she was still being tracked.

  Her heart raced in her chest. The heavy gown dragged and snagged the ground with each painful step. The sharp cries of ravens echoed in the distance, their shrill voices lamenting the approaching twilight. Jagged stones protruded along the trail. Her bare feet suffered painfully from the brutal terrain. Rich soil began to take on a sandy texture as she neared the shoreline. Daylight faded and washed shadows over the lush landscape. If she could only find her way back to the safety of the main road, back to the village of Kinvara. The aroma of the sea was rich, intoxicating. Woodlands quickly gave way to an open shore. Dark waters raged and heaved against the rising tide. Rock cliffs on both sides surrounded her. She had followed the wrong path.

  The icy water rolled toward her as she slowed at the sandy bank. With resignation, she watched the churning waves of Galway Bay. Dunguaire Castle appeared like a phantom beacon on the foggy haze. Dim lights glowed in the windows of the grand building. Cold ripples drifted over her battered feet. The water was salty and harsh on her open wounds. Taking a deep breath, while embracing the pain, she made the sign of the cross and whispered a silent prayer to Jesus and the Mother Mary. Heavy footsteps made their way toward her. Inhaling the aroma of the overlapping waves calmed her mind. He stood directly behind her in silence. The young woman held her ground. Rough hands encircled her delicate neck. Her locket ripped from her throat as she was pulled under the frigid water. It floated away on the currents. Her last thoughts were of Daniel.


  Slowly, the images broke apart and dissolved into the mist. Katie realized she was lying on her bed gazing up at the ceiling. Tears rolled down her face at memories long since forgotten. Her past life had been revealed to her in every beautiful and agonizing detail. She remembered her love for Daniel and longed for his touch.

  Overwhelmed, she told herself that she desperately needed to make sense of it all. She was vaguely aware of the storm, which was gathering outside her cabin. Leaving the warmth of her bed, she went into the kitchen and retrieved a bottle of cold Chardonnay from the refrigerator. Pouring herself a generous glass, she headed into her bathroom. She found a couple of lavender candles and placed them around the claw-foot tub. She wanted to make sure that she had a back up if she lost power.

  With trembling hands she started the water. Soft candlelight sent shadows dancing around the wall next to the porcelain tub. She switched off the facet just as the liquid was nearing the surface, slipping off her pajamas and dipping her bare feet in the warm water. She slid inside the bath and was instantly soothed by the scent of lavender oil. Submerging herself in the soapy liquid, her heart and mind raced. Raindrops gently fell on the beams of the old cabin. The wind whipped and moaned in a frenzied uproar just outside her bathroom window. An exceptionally strong downpour was on its way.

  She reached over and grabbed her Chardonnay. The cool liquid eased her tongue as she inhaled the fresh hi
nts of pear and apple. She set her glass down on a small table next to the tub. Slowly, she exhaled and attempted to collect her thoughts. The faint whispers of the past echoed in her mind. Deep, muffled voices seemed to come from the walls. The whispering rolled over one another and took on urgency as the raging storm grew in strength. An elderly woman with a rich Irish accent called her by name.

  “Katie, come child, sit and have a cup of tea with your ma.”

  The voice slowly changed to the deep and gentle tone of her beloved Daniel.

  “They say the sunsets in Africa take your breath away.”

  And finally, a chilling British voice cried out in the night, “Believe it when I say, I don’t give second chances!” This was followed by the slamming of the door.

  The wind howled furiously outside, shaking the beams of the cabin as rain pounded against the window. A blast of cold air chilled her skin, sending goose bumps down her arms and back. The lights of the cabin flickered and eventually went out all together. The flames of the candles rose several inches. They were the only source of light as she found herself surrounded by complete darkness. The sound of labored breathing began to radiate from the walls. It became louder and shook the cabin with its steady rhythm.

  A dark form emerged from the far corner of the bathroom. It rose from the floor and stretched out to the ceiling. Cold gray mist swirled around its silhouette. A primitive terror seized Katie like a heavy blanket. The whispers from the walls rose in pitch and intensity. She stared in horror and helplessness at the dark figure. The shadowy creature solidified, taking on a human shape. It appeared to be a medium-built man dressed in old-fashioned breeches and a dark navy topcoat. His dirty blond hair and muddy brown eyes materialized with startling detail. With abject terror, she realized that she was looking into the face of James Williams. His dark soulless eyes pierced through her. The smoky image slowly took on a solid form as he stood against the wall looking down on her trembling body. Its shape began to blur as hot steam arose from his flesh. His dark, soulless eyes glowed like two red embers as the corners of his mouth turned upwards in a grin. The specter’s teeth grew needle sharp. His legs stretched out grotesquely before him. The breeches ripped, as his leg muscles elongated until they changed into the back of a goat’s hindquarters. His hooves scratched and slipped on the hardwood floor. The skin on his face pulled and stretched until it split, tearing to reveal cartridge underneath.

  Katie could see the muscles and veins pulse under its thinning skin in detail. Ram-like horns began to emerge from the top of his skull ripping patches of hair and flesh as they slowly rose to the surface. Streams of blood and gore rolled down from the torn and battered flesh and dripped to the floor. It appeared dark and steaming. The pungent smell of rotting flesh filled the air. The demonic creature attempted to communicate in its gravelly voice,

  “I’ve come back for you, Katie.”

  His mouth opened impossibly wide, simultaneously laughing and shrieking in agony.

  “We have unfinished business, you and I. It’s time for your special wedding gift that I promised so long ago.”

  Razor-like talons emerged from his fingertips bridging out towards her. His smile stretched until it wrapped around to the back of his ears. Dark clots of congealed blood dripped from the corners of his upturned mouth. Fragments of its skull and jaw could be seen underneath the torn flesh. The whispering voices of the walls began to overlap and rise to a fever pitch.

  “You forgot my gift that I left outside your window, my dear.”

  He reached behind his back and retrieved the soiled stuffed animal. It appeared to be moving as a multitude of flies covered the creature’s face and body. Swollen, white larva crawled over its rotting fur. Maggots lazily rolled off the ginger colored bear and dropped to the floor. The buzzing sound filled the room until she thought her mind would shatter from the insanity of it all. It was in this moment that Katie finally found her voice. Her screams joined the chorus of voices inside the cabin walls as the demon slowly made its way over to the bathtub.


  All at once the room shone with a bright spectrum of light as the sound of beating wings filled the air. An angel blocked the creature’s path as it made its way towards her. He lifted a Crucifix and held it at the demon. Katie immediately recognized the cross as the one that had rested above her ancestral home in Ireland.

  “Get out demon! In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit! Go back to the Hell from which you came from!”

  The creature shrieked as if it was being burned and quickly backed away. Its hooves scratched and slipped on the floor. Black smoke smoldered off its skin as it began to peel away and drip. A putrid rotting smell drifted from its flesh, and suddenly it was no more.

  Katie tried to gasp for breath as her guardian averted his eyes for the sake of modesty.

  “My dear, you best be getting dressed. I will be waiting for you outside.”

  He quietly walked out of the room. Her heart pounded in anticipation as she quickly dried off and changed into a pair of pink flannel pajamas. She was overcome with raw emotion. Slowly making her way toward her protector, she stopped for a moment and gazed at him from the doorway.

  Her eyes filled with tears.

  “Daniel?” she whispered quietly.

  “Hello, my love. Do you remember me now?”

  She tentatively reached her hand up and touched his face. He closed his eyes as her slender fingers traced his skin.

  “How could I have ever forgotten,” she replied as a tear rolled down her cheek.

  He reached down and tenderly wiped it away. He drew her close as they passionately embraced one another. Time and space no longer existed for them.

  Several moments later, they stepped back and lovingly regarded one another.

  “We have much to talk about, my love. Would you come with me?” he asked gently.

  “I will.”

  He took her hand and embraced her body against his broad chest as his wings spread out gloriously. In a moment they were back in a meadow of tulips standing in a vast orchard of cherry trees. Thunder rolled in the distance and the storm clouds swelled with precipitation. Daniel took her by the hand and led her under the shelter of the cherry trees. He eased her down at the base of a large tree stump. He paced back and forth for a few moments. After gathering his thoughts, he began to speak.

  “In our past life together, I failed to save you.”

  His face grew tense and his eyes were deep with pain and regret.

  “Sometimes we are given a choice in the afterlife. I chose to come back in the form of your guardian. I have been by your side since the day you took your first breath in this new life. I have tried to protect you with the powers that I have been gifted. But, there are rules that must be followed. I have been able to watch and assist you to the best of my abilities. I could not allow you to see my physical state. My job hasn’t been easy, my love. You have made some interesting choices and protecting you has been challenging,” he chuckled softly.

  Katie blushed at the thought of him seeing her life playing out. Her mind tried to wrap itself around the idea that he had been watching over her since the day she was born. There were many moments in her journey that she would gladly change if she could. Her choices had not always been logical or prudent.

  Yet, she knew in the deepest realms of her heart and soul that he had always been nearby. There had been dangers and many close calls as the years unfolded. Her dreams whispered Daniel’s name teasing her with the long forgotten memories. His spirit was always there, and yet, with each waking dawn, his shadow disappeared and life’s mundane rituals took center stage. Only in her dreams could she see him once again. In the whisper of the wind or the color of the sunset, he was always there.

  “But what has changed? I can see you now.” She looked to him in confusion.

  “My dear, the rules have changed. The moment you stepped inside your new home, our destinies changed forever. I assume that you
have noticed the strange markings above your bed? Your ceiling contains a portal. The previous owners attempted to cover it up. The doorway opened to the realm of light and darkness. It allowed me to step through to your material plane. This is why you can see my physical form. He looked over the plains of tulips and rolling meadows. Our dreams and memories created this place. You are safe here.”

  Katie smiled brightly as he explained himself. This must mean that they could finally be together after all their time apart. Yet she was confused by his serious brooding expression that was darkening his beautiful face.

  “What’s wrong, Daniel?” she asked gently.

  He looked deep into her eyes as she read his sorrow and pain.

  “I’m not the only one that has access to the portal, my love. I’m afraid that what you witnessed tonight was in fact the face of true evil. You must never allow it to take you through the portal. My powers can only protect you on the side of light. If he brings you to his domain, I may not be able to help you. As long as this evil presence is nearby, I can take steps to intercede. But I don’t know how long the portal will stay open. Once it’s closed, you will no longer be able to see or feel me.”

  “No. I’ve waited too long for you to come back to me!”

  “I know, Katie. I don’t like it either. But I must take steps to protect you while I can. I don’t know how much time that we have left together.”

  His words left her with a feeling of desperation and panic.

  “I want you to stay with me tonight. I can’t bear to be without you for another moment!”

  He embraced her tightly. His lips explored her delicate shoulders as his teeth grazed gently over her softy ivory neck. Daniel pulled her body firmly against his strong lean form. Her desire for him was urgent and deep.

  “Please stay with me,” she beseeched him.