The Wall People Read online

Page 11

  “Oh my love, I want nothing more than to stay with you forever.” He whispered in her ear. “I’m afraid that the rules forbid this,” he said sadly.

  Then he appeared to gather himself, inhaling deeply. He reached down slowly and lifted her small hands to his lips. He gently kissed the inside of her palms. The sensation sent shivers down her body. He backed away. Taking both of her hands in his, he quietly asked:

  “Close your eyes Katie. Please trust me, my love. I promise to keep you safe.”


  By the time Katie opened her eyes, she was back in her bed with the warm morning sun beating against her window. The night’s storm had passed. She slowly sat up feeling tired and worn out. The fact that Daniel was no longer by her side filled her with a deep sense of longing. She wanted nothing more than to wake up in his strong, protective embrace. Her love and desire was beyond anything she had experienced in her life. She wondered if he could see her now. How did the rules work exactly? She sighed deeply and took a breath. There really was no use in agonizing over it. Reluctantly, she climbed out of bed and tried to start her day the best she could.

  She had plans to meet with Camellia to visit one of the local wineries. It would be a welcomed distraction from the emotional ride of the night before. Her warm shower eased her tired mind and body. Slipping on a terry cloth robe, she made her way over to her wardrobe. After considering several possibilities, she ended up choosing a white pleated shirt that flowed gracefully toward her knees. She paired it with a form fitting satin blouse that showed off her tiny waist. The green satin brought out the vivid emerald highlights in her eyes. A matching pair of green pumps complimented the curves of her calves. She combed out her loose curls. Red waves spiraled down her shoulders. After applying a light application of makeup, she chose a comb with pearl accents and drew back her flowing hair. A touch of deep mauve lipstick completed the look. Her bright and cheerful appearance masked the turmoil raging in her heart.

  The Sanchez family picked Katie up on their way to school. The plan was for Steven to drop them off at the winery for brunch, and then a tour of the vineyards, and their own private wine tasting. It would be a daylong adventure. Camellia’s husband planned the day trip as an early birthday present for his wife. He would pick them up later in the afternoon as their designated driver, following their wine tasting adventures.

  “Katie, you look like a movie star this morning!” Camellia eagerly called out to her friend.

  “Thank you! You look lovely as well,” she answered back.

  She admired Camellia’s pretty white dress. Bright red cherry designs were patterned throughout the soft material. A pair of red heels completed her outfit.

  The children smiled as she made her way into the van. The girls talked over one another trying to explain their dramatic school life. Katie was soon caught up on all of the gossip surrounding their teachers, classes, and fellow students. They groaned dramatically as the van pulled up outside their school. Camellia’s daughters talked animatedly as they walked toward the campus.

  The ride to the vineyard was memorable. They passed miles of farm country. Horses, cows, sheep, and goats grazed lazily in the fields. Grand estates were nestled within the vast acreage.

  Little Bennie was completely oblivious to the landscape. He was occupied by a hand held computer game that his father had given him for Christmas. Whatever was on the screen was taking his full attention. The sudden quiet allowed Katie to take in the scenery around her.

  Golden grape vines glowed richly in the soft morning light. Scattered leaves rustled by in the gentle breeze. They fell on the open fields like soft, butterfly wings. After driving several miles of windy roads, Steven reached the entrance to the winery. The grand building possessed beautiful old world charm. They parked near the front by a large, bronze fountain. Bacchus, the Roman god of wine, sat immersed within its cascading water. He wore a crown of grape leaves. He smiled devilishly at the bronze, drunken muses that danced and played around him.

  Camellia and Steven gently kissed goodbye. Before her husband went back to the van, he turned back and looked at the women. “Alright ladies, try to stay out of trouble. You are starting to remind me of Lucy and Ethel,” he said laughing softly.

  “We will try our best,” they teased.

  After saying their goodbyes, the women decided to explore the grounds before heading inside. The air was rich with the aroma of chimney smoke and clean mountain air. It was a perfect fall day.

  “This is absolute Heaven. You have no idea how much I need this right now. Lizzie has been driving me crazy. One moment she’s happy, the next hour she’s in tears. She’s completely lost in her boy crazy phase. She spends most of her time on the phone talking with her special friend from church,” Camellia sighed.

  “Oh, I noticed the young altar server last week,” Katie replied.

  “Yes, that’s the one. His name is Jason Murphy. They have known each other for years through our church. I think she thinks of him as her boyfriend. Steven will not have it. Of course, we both agree that she is too young for a boyfriend. It’s really a difficult situation. If we come down too hard on her, I know she is going to rebel and see him behind our backs. I think it would be better to let her be friends with the young man under our supervision. If she is going to be interested in a boy, at least he is one from a nice family, and involved in our faith. She wants to invite Jason to her Quinceañera next week. Steven is completely against the idea. They’ve been arguing about it for days. But I’m really happy that you will be joining us. Lizzie is really excited that you are going to come.”

  “I am honored you’d invite. I wouldn’t miss it for the world! I’ve never attended one,” Katie responded.

  “Her dress is getting altered on Monday. We have the church booked and that is all set up for the ceremony. We just need to finish getting the band for the party.”

  Katie looked out at the vineyards lost in thought.

  “What are you thinking?” Camellia asked.

  She paused before answering. “Do you believe in reincarnation?”

  Her eyes were filled with curiosity.

  “Well, that is a very interesting question. I have wondered about it before. Our faith teaches us that there is only one life gifted to us. As I understand it, you are going to one of three places when you die. Heaven, Hell, or Purgatory. There is no mention of coming back in another life in the Bible as far as I know. Truthfully, once is more than enough for me. Don’t get me wrong. I love my life. It’s just the thought of starting over and facing life’s struggles again is very troubling to me. I don’t like the thought of being separated from my family.”

  “I know.” Katie hesitated for a moment and continued, “It’s a troubling idea. Perhaps we’ll get another chance if we’ve left unfinished business or if our life ended too soon. Maybe our love ones join us in the next life?”

  “It’s an overwhelming thought. I think this is it. Once we die, we join God in Heaven. What makes you bring up this interesting topic, my friend?”

  She hesitated before answering. Katie wanted desperately to share everything that she was going through with Camellia. Yet, there were things that she even had a hard time believing. She considered describing some of the less dramatic events that had taken place.

  “I’ve had some troubling dreams over the last several weeks. I’ve had vivid memories of living in Ireland during the 19th century. The Potato Famine was just beginning. I can remember my mother, my home in Kinvara, Galway, working on my farm. I recalled the love of my life. His name was Daniel McCarthy. The memories are very real to me,” she sighed.

  “That sounds really interesting. I want to hear more about the love of your life!” Camellia smiled brightly.

  Katie returned the smile and shyly looked down at her small hands.

  “I’ve also had some frightening moments in the cabin. I could hear what sounded like voices coming from the walls.” She hesitated wanting to explain more. “
I know this must sound pretty crazy. I wouldn’t blame you if you wanted to call the people in white coats to take me away.”

  Camellia regarded her friend with kindness and understanding.

  “Never be ashamed of your feelings or dreams, Katie. Women ignore their instincts. I’m sure the incident with that awful teddy bear was terribly frightening and traumatic. It would be surprising if you did not have any issues after that crazy discovery. You know, if you would like, we could get Father Peter to bless your house.”

  Katie’s face brightened.

  “That’s a wonderful idea. I would love that. Let’s give him a call this week. Would you mind joining us in the blessing, Camellia?”

  “Absolutely, I was already planning on it,” she smiled.


  With heavy issues weighing on both of their minds, they were more than happy to let off some steam at the winery. They eagerly made their way to the grand building and signed in for their private tour. A young woman quickly walked over. Her high heels clicked across the tile floors. Her delicate features were framed in a short, blond bob. She enthusiastically introduced herself as Jane Fitzgerald. Her tall, slender figure was set off nicely in a pair of tailored white slacks, high heels, and a pink cardigan. The scent of floral perfume engulfed her.

  “Hello ladies! I will be your guide today,” she flashed them a smile. “Your morning will begin with a private tour around the beautiful grounds of Bacchus Winery. You will experience the history of the chateau and valley, as well as the process of winemaking. We’ll follow that with a private tasting of our best wines. And finally, you will enjoy a specially catered lunch, set in the middle of the vineyard, surrounded by the gorgeous Napa Valley Mountains. How does that sound?” The women smiled at their guide. “Oh and one more thing, I wanted to mention.” She looked down briefly at her notebook. “Your gift package has recently been upgraded and we will be having a small surprise to start off this beautiful morning!”

  “Ooh sounds exciting.” Camellia answered. “I wonder what my hubby is up to, Katie?”

  They laughed at the mysterious possibilities, and followed their tour guide outside to an open tour van. They climbed into a comfortable set of seats on top of the vehicle. They began their tour of the scenic grounds. The cool, morning air was refreshing against their skin as they toured the estate. Vibrant fall colors shimmered in the morning sun. It was another picturesque day in Napa Valley.

  The vehicle followed the road, which led to a large, open clearing surrounded by several large oak trees. The women stepped down from their seats and climbed down the ladder, back to the lower level. They carefully made their way out of the bus and stood looking out at the large, wooden containers placed inside the circle of trees. They walked over to the tall barrels and looked over the rims. The large vats were packed with colorful grapes. A deep aroma of oak and juice was sharp and pleasantly rich. Their guide joined them and began a brief history of winemaking.

  “The grape stomping tradition dates back as far as the early Roman Empire. The ancient process allows for the perfect release of juice from the skin of the grape, producing a delicious and flavorful wine. Ladies, you’re going to experience firsthand what ancient civilizations practiced so many years ago!” she explained excitedly.

  She clapped her hands and announced happily, “Your private tour has been recently upgraded to include the authentic grape stomping experience for yourselves!”

  The women’s eyes widened and they looked at each other. They tried their best not to laugh at their young guide’s enthusiasm.

  “Camellia, your husband was not kidding when he said that we are becoming like Lucy and Ethel!”

  Without missing a beat, they slipped off their shoes and carefully placed them by the picnic table. There were several barrels in the field. Camellia and Katie looked at each other, smiled, and headed over to the largest barrel. Together, they held each other by the hand and carefully climbed inside the tall oak container. Tentatively, they stepped down into the gooey collection of wet grapes.

  They burst out laughing as the cold grape juice filled the spaces in between their toes.

  “Alright ladies, it’s grape stomping time!”

  Their guide’s enthusiasm was contagious, and they soon found themselves eagerly smashing the chilly fruit. Jane happily walked over to the picnic table and turned on the large CD player. Within moments, Italian Opera music began to play forth from the speaker.

  “Oh wow, they don’t miss a thing,” Camellia laughed.

  The cold juice squished and splattered with their stomping motions. The bottom of the barrel was extremely slippery and wet. They stomped up and down while holding their skirts to their knees. Finding their balance was difficult. After a few minutes, the women found a nice rhythm.

  The cold grape juice spattered over their legs and feet, leaving them feeling cold in the cool, autumn breeze.

  “I think we might have a new hobby!” Camellia called out laughing. “Can you grow some grapes on your land?”

  “Um, I think this is a one shot deal for me, Camellia.” Katie called back.

  She turned toward her friend, grinning, and suddenly slipped inside the barrel. She shrieked loudly as she lost her balance. Camellia grabbed her hands to steady her before she fell into the container. They laughed in unison. The grapes gradually turned to liquid.

  After their adventure, their guide helped them climb out from the barrel. She offered them clean plastic containers, full of warm water, to wash off. They towel dried their legs and feet and put their heels back on.

  “I took some great photos of you ladies. I will give you copies before you leave,” Jane remarked.

  “Steven is going to love this!” Camellia replied.

  They went back to the tour bus and climbed the ladder to their seats. They drove around the grounds taking in the lush landscape surrounded by the autumn colored Napa Valley Hills.

  Once the tour was over, they made their way back to a large building containing the chateau’s enormous wine cellar. They entered into a darkened room with rows of oak barrels. The private entry room was inviting. Several vintage photographs depicting the winery in the twenties and thirties covered the walls. Afterwards, they were given a lengthy lesson on the region’s prestigious awards and impressive history. Jane guided the women down a long hall, which led to a tasting room.

  A grand table setting was waiting for them. The entire room, including the floors, walls, and furniture, was a rich polished walnut wood.

  An enormous candle lit chandelier hung above the long, antique table. The lighting was soft, relaxing. The wall behind the table housed hundreds of bottles of fine wines. They were stacked to the ceiling. The women were offered a variety of wine samplings. Katie was impressed with several dry white and Chardonnay blends. Camellia seemed drawn to the rich Cabernet and Shiraz collection. They took their time sampling the various spirits. The guide was happy to answer questions and seemed thrilled by their enthusiasm.

  This was followed by their personally assisted lunch overlooking the incredible Napa Valley Mountains. The ladies were more than satisfied from their delicious five course meal and wine pairings. Afterwards, they headed to The Bacchus Winery Gift Shop. They ended up purchasing several bottles of wine to take home. By the time Steven arrived to pick them up, they could barely keep their eyes open from all of the wine and food they had consumed. Steven smiled to himself as the girls slept peacefully on their drive home.


  Katie and Camellia were able to arrange a house blessing with Father Peter on Friday morning after the children were dropped off at school. Camellia arrived around ten. The ladies sat down in the breakfast nook together. Katie had decorated her table with her best place settings including her new Galway tea set. Little violets and roses adorned the fine china. A plate of lemon bars was neatly piled onto a large antique pastry server. She had picked up the fresh treats at the bakery on Main Street earlier that morning. They enjo
yed their delicious Irish tea and fresh baked dessert as the morning sun streamed through the dining room window.

  “Well, Katie, I hope you don’t mind multi-tasking,” she sighed. “Steve set up an appointment with his security alarm company at ten thirty. It looks like it’s around the same time Father Peter will be performing the house blessing.”

  “That’s not a problem, sweetie. I really appreciate the help. It will be a relief to have the security system and the blessing completed on the same day.”

  After saying this, a loud knock came from behind the door. Katie stood up and answered it. A heavy-set man stood patiently on the front porch. He smiled and introduced himself.

  “Hi. I’m Daryl Johnson. Steve set up an appointment to have your alarm put in.”

  “Oh please come in. I’m Katie O’Brien.” Camellia smiled brightly at Daryl. “Can I get you some coffee or tea before you start, Daryl?”

  “Oh, that would be wonderful. A cup of coffee would really hit the spot. I just need to know where a couple of your outlets are and I can figure out the rest. I’ll let you know when it’s all ready. We will have it set up in no time,” he smiled kindly.

  “Thank you so much. It’s a real relief.”

  Katie grabbed another mug from the cabinet to prepare his coffee. As she carried it over, a knocking began at the door.

  “Thank you, Katie,” he remarked as he took the cup.

  She eagerly walked over to the door and was greeted warmly by Father Peter. The small man stood smiling on the porch.

  “Hello, Katie. It’s a pleasure to come visiting your lovely home this fair morning.”

  Katie led Father Peter gently by the arm and guided him to the breakfast nook.

  “Hello Father! It’s wonderful to see you,” Camellia happily greeted him.

  Daryl smiled and gave a quick hello. After introductions were made, Father Peter took a quick look around the room and smiled brightly.

  “Well then, Katie, your home is filled with such lovely antiques!”